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Titlesort descending Author Period Language Genre
"At night, I was drunk and did not take off my makeup" | 夜來沉醉卸妝遲 Li Qingzhao 12th Century Literary Chinese Lyric Verse / Song
"At night, I was drunk and did not take off my makeup" | 夜來沉醉卸妝遲 李清照 12th Century Literary Chinese Lyric Verse / Song
"Drooping hairdo, I am too listless to comb it" | 墜髻慵梳 Liu Yong 11th Century Literary Chinese Lyric Verse / Song
"Phoenix pillows and peacock curtains" | 鳳枕鸞帷 Liu Yong 11th Century Literary Chinese Lyric Verse / Song
"The bedroom remembers the day we first met" | 洞房記得初相遇 Liu Yong 11th Century Literary Chinese Lyric Verse / Song
"The incense chills in the golden lion" | 香冷金猊 Li Qingzhao 12th Century Literary Chinese Lyric Verse / Song
"The incense chills in the golden lion" | 香冷金猊 李清照 12th Century Literary Chinese Lyric Verse / Song
"The wind stops; the dust is fragrant, and the flowers all gone" | 風住塵香花已盡 Li Qingzhao 12th Century Literary Chinese Lyric Verse / Song
"The wind stops; the dust is fragrant, and the flowers all gone" | 風住塵香花已盡 李清照 12th Century Literary Chinese Lyric Verse / Song
'Between hill and valley deep' | 'Zwischen perg und tieffe tal' Erhard Oeglin 16th Century Early New High German Lyric Verse / Song
'Farewell! It hurts' | 'Ade mit layd' Erhard Oeglin 16th Century Early New High German Lyric Verse / Song
'Fortune grants me comfort and hope' | 'Gelück mir trost und hoffnug geit' Erhard Oeglin 16th Century Early New High German Lyric Verse / Song
'Help, our lady of Aachen!' | 'Hilf fraw von Ach' Erhard Oeglin 16th Century Early New High German Lyric Verse / Song
'My heart has made a pact with love' | 'Mein hertz hat sich mit lieb verpflicht' Erhard Oeglin 16th Century Early New High German Lyric Verse / Song
'Oh, how it troubles me!' | 'Ha, qu'il m'ennuie!' Anonymous 15th Century Middle French Lyric Verse / Song
'The trust that I have in you' | 'La fiance que j'ay en vous' Anonymous 15th Century Middle French Lyric Verse / Song
'Two or three days ago' | 'Depuis deux ou trois jours enca' Anonymous 15th Century Middle French Lyric Verse / Song
Chen Wangyou’s Daughter-in-Law | 陳王猷子妇 Hong Mai 12th Century Literary Chinese History
Concerning Fire and Water | De igne et aqua Nicolaus Pergamenus 14th Century Medieval Latin Dialogue
Concerning Man and Woman | De homine et muliere Nicolaus Pergamenus 14th Century Medieval Latin Dialogue
Concerning Precious Topaz | De topasio pretioso Nicolaus Pergamenus 14th Century Medieval Latin Dialogue
Concerning Saturn and the Cloud | De Saturno et nube Nicolaus Pergamenus 14th Century Medieval Latin Dialogue
Concerning the Leopard and the Unicorn Who Fought the Dragon | De leopardo et unicorni Nicolaus Pergamenus 14th Century Medieval Latin Dialogue
Concerning the Sun and the Moon | De sole et luna Nicolaus Pergamenus 14th Century Medieval Latin Dialogue
Concerning the Wicked Woman | De Muliere Mala Petrus Pictor 11th Century Medieval Latin Didactic Verse
Filbert's Vision | La visión de Filiberto Anonymous 14th Century Castilian Dialogue
In Honour of the Holy Cross | In honorem sanctae crucis Rabanus Maurus 9th Century Medieval Latin Devotional Verse
Prologue to the Book of Histories | Li prologue ou livre des estoires Anonymous 13th Century Old French History
Sermon on the Coming of the Lord | sermo de adventu domini Anonymous 13th Century Middle High German Devotional Prose
Strange Dogs | 犬異 Hong Mai 12th Century Literary Chinese History
The Burial of Arthur | Claddedigaeth Arthur Anonymous 13th Century Middle Welsh History
The Charcoal-Burner of Nevers | Il Carbonaio di Niversa Jacopo Passavanti 14th Century Tuscan Exemplum
The Chastity of Mr. Wu's Wife | 譚氏節操 Hong Mai 12th Century Literary Chinese History
The Concubine of Mr. Yao | 姚氏妾 Hong Mai 12th Century Literary Chinese History
The Dream of Gong Yu | 龔輿夢 Hong Mai 12th Century Literary Chinese History
The Girl Who Wanted to Fly | La pucele qui vouloit voler Anonymous 13th Century Old French Narrative Verse
The Gosling | daz genselin Anonymous 13th Century Middle High German Narrative Verse
The Lay of Ludwig | Das Ludwigslied Anonymous 9th Century Old High German History
The Lay of Ludwig | Das Ludwigslied Anonymous 9th Century Old High German Narrative Verse
The Moral Dialogue of Creatures [Preface] | Dyalogus creaturarum moralizatus [Præfatio] Nicolaus Pergamenus 14th Century Medieval Latin Dialogue
The Song of Heinrich | De Heinrico Anonymous 9th Century Medieval Latin Narrative Verse
The Song of Heinrich | De Heinrico Anonymous 9th Century Old High German Narrative Verse
The Song of Peter | Petruslied Anonymous 9th Century Old High German Lyric Verse / Song
The Trojan War | Der Trojanerkrieg Anonymous 15th Century Middle High German Narrative Verse
The Virgin Mary's Lament | Marienklage Anonymous 15th Century Middle Low German Play
The Wessobrunn Prayer | Das Wessobrunner Gebet Anonymous 9th Century Old High German Devotional Verse
The Wino | Der Weinschwelg Anonymous 13th Century Middle High German Narrative Verse